Tuesday, April 1, 2014

48 Miles to Camp Wood, TX ....

All of a sudden we've had a change in humidity. I think today was the first time I've sweated since the trip began. It was supposed to get into the 80s today, but it remained overcast all morning, so the temperature was very comfortable. We're starting to see a little more of the color green as well, so we're getting out of the desert.
Supposedly, today was another recovery day (who ever heard of riding almost 50 miles as recovery?). The first 20 miles was over the bumpy, hand-numbing chip-seal and I was feeling pretty sluggish. Then, either I became immune to it or I had the "back to the barn" mentality and managed to perk up a bit.
I took a pic of a field of some kind of purple flowers with a wind mill in the background, also some pics as we crossed the Nueces River. It's exciting whenever you see water around here. Sharlene, a woman from San Jose, CA., had also stopped on the bridge and we took pics of each other. She has 7 kids and had lost 70 pounds preparing for this trip and is still trying to lose.
The highlight of getting to our Inn was the laundromat next to it. It had been 8 days since we had washers/dryers available, so it meant washing out bike shorts or whatever you needed by hand. Now my clothes are clean once again.
I think tomorrow starts the "Texas Hill Country", so more climbing. Details tomorrow ....


  1. What a great group of women, you, Rona, Ellen, and Twila completing 109 miles and Sharlene having 7 kids and losing 70 pounds. This really is Amazing.

  2. I dont like the sound of Hill Country.
    hope that the inclines are gradual for you and that the surfaces are optimum.
    congrats on clean clothes.
    the purple field reminds me of French fields of lavender.
    possible in this area?
    factoid : lavender repels Black Widow spiders .
    what are you seeing for wild life, if any?
    that river seemed to.be high. do you see irrigation into nearby fields?
    any idea what crops are being grown? or is it still cattle country?
    glad you had a light-ish day, good luck tomorrow.

  3. Hey Jeanne,
    Sorry I have been remiss in writing. Sure am loving reading this. Almost makes me think I should begin training to do this ! You have got to be so proud of yourself for doing this ! Good for you ! Talk about an incredible adventure...a life changing one !

  4. Glad to get back to this. Weather here is bringing up stuff in garden - tulips, daffs, iris shoots, etc., so it's calling me outside more.
